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生效日期/上次更新时间:2020 年 6 月 2 日


生效日期/上次更新时间:2020 年 6 月 2 日

本使用条款(以下简称“条款”To govern your interest in The Manitowoc Company, Inc.(马尼托瓦克公司,以下简称“”或“我们”)向您提供的本网站(以下简称“网站

本条款仅适用于本网站及其内容。  These Terms do not supersede or waive any warranty or limitation of liability applicable to products or services offered or sold by MANITOWOC or its distributors under a separate written agreement。

访问或使用本网站即表示您(“您”)承认您已阅读并同意受本条款的约束。 如果您不同意本条款,请勿访问或使用本网站。

我们保留随时修改本条款的权利。所有更改将在发布到本网站后立即生效。  By accessing or using the Site after we have posted changes to the Site, you agree to those changes。  We will post significant changes to these Terms prominently on our website or send you a separate letter。

1.《沙巴体育最新版》。  当您访问和使用本网站时,我们可能会向您收集某些个人信息。  我们将按照《沙巴体育最新版》中所述的方式处理此类个人信息。  http://housing.sa.azarnewsonline.com/privacy-policy。  《沙巴体育最新版》描述了我们收集、使用和分享个人信息的做法。

2.内容。  The content of this website includes certain text, documents, images, audio, video, graphics, diagrams, photographs, interfaces, ICONS, software, computer code, data, trademarks, logos, slogans, and other components, as well as the design, selection, and arrangement of such materials.“内容”)。This website, its content, and all intellectual property rights in this website and its content are the exclusive property of Manitowoc or its licensors。  除第 3 节授予您的有限权利(“使用权”In addition, Manitowoc reserves all other rights to the Site and the content, including all related intellectual property rights。 Manitowoc provides this website and content for the convenience of providing general information about our company, our products and services。

3.使用权。 You may only use the Site or the Content for your personal, non-exclusive use, provided that you comply with these Terms, all other terms posted on the Site and all applicable laws。  您不得对本网站或内容进行任何商业利用。

4.知识产权。  本网站和内容受版权法、商标法和其他知识产权法的保护。  Any unauthorized use of any trademark, trade dress, copyrighted material or any other intellectual property belonging to Manitowoc or any third party is strictly prohibited and may be prosecuted to the fullest extent permitted by law。

5.商标。  Manitowoc owns certain trademarks, names, logos, badges or service marks ("商标”)。 You are not entitled to use any trademark unless expressly agreed in writing by Manitowoc。  In addition, this website may contain third party marked and copyrighted third party materials, which are the property of their respective owners。  Nothing in these Terms grants you any rights in these third party marked or copyrighted materials without the consent of those third parties。

6.帐户。  Customers may apply for an account to use the Manitowoc Direct online Portal (the "Account")。To apply for a Manitowoc Direct account, you will need to provide your name, email address, phone number, and job/company information。  您还必须确认并同意本条款才能创建帐户。  When setting up an account, you must provide accurate information and keep all account information up to date。

您有责任维护您的帐户和密码的保密性。All use of passwords and accounts, including any unauthorized use, is your sole responsibility。  You agree to: (a) keep your password confidential and not disclose it to any other person;And (b) immediately notify us of any unauthorized use of your password or account。

您承认并同意,我们有权按照通过使用您的密码和帐户收到的指示行事,并且,如果我们认为您的密码和帐户正被您以外的人使用,或出于任何其他原因,We may, but are not obligated to, deny access through the use of your password or account or block any transactions made through it,而无需事先通知。

7.对您使用网站的限制。  When accessing and using the Site, your account or the Content, you may not do any of the following:

  • Copy, reproduce, sell, publish, publish, license, rent, distribute, modify, translate, adapt, reverse engineer, or create derivative works of this Site or the Content without the prior written consent of Manitowoc。
  • 将本网站或您的帐户用于非法目的。
  • Submit inaccurate, incomplete or outdated information through the Site or your account, fraud or falsification of information relating to your use of the Site or your account。
  • 从本网站从事数据挖掘或类似的数据收集或提取活动。  You will not use the Site to obtain email addresses, names, or other information of users of the Site, nor will you spam other users of the Site。
  • Access, use, or copy any portion of the Site or the Content by using indexing agents, spiders, screengrabbers, bots, web crawlers, or other automated devices or mechanisms。
  • Use this website to post, transmit, enter, upload or otherwise make available any information or material that contains any virus, worm, Trojan horse, malware, ransomware, adware or other harmful computer code,Such information or material may disable, damage, damage or otherwise interfere with the Site, the server or any other network, computer, hardware, software or system used to make the Site available。
  • Engage in activities designed to render the Site or your account inoperable or to make it more difficult to use。
  • 分析、镜像或规避本网站任何部分的导航结构。
  • Upload, distribute, transmit or post to or through the Site any content of the following nature: (i) fraudulent, defamatory, obscene, pornographic, indecent, violent, offensive, hate speech, harassment, threatening, defamatory, hurtful, etc.;(ii) invading the privacy of others or including confidential or proprietary information of others;(iii) Protected by intellectual property rights,Without the prior express written consent of the owner of such intellectual property rights;Or (iv) violate applicable law。
  • In using the Site, engage in any conduct that Manitowoc believes is improper, unauthorized, or contrary to the intended purpose of the Site。

8.您提交的反馈和其他内容。  If you submit comments or feedback to us regarding the Site or its content or any other comments, questions, requests, content or information that is not personal information ("反馈We may use any comments and feedback you send us at our discretion, without identifying the source or providing you with compensation。

9.沙巴体育最新版。  This website contains links to Manitowoc's social media pages (such as Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn) ("沙巴体育最新版页面”)。 Because anyone can post or tag on a social media page, posts don't necessarily reflect Manitowoc's views。  We reserve the right to remove any content from our social media pages in our sole discretion。  We may also take steps to prevent users who violate these Terms from accessing our social media pages。  If we follow, like, bookmark, share or repost someone's content on our social media pages, this does not represent an endorsement of third parties or any service or company they represent。

10.无保证。  This website and content are provided "as is" and "as available" without any warranty。  在适用法律允许的最大范围内,MANITOWOC expressly disclaims all warranties of any KIND, express or implied, regarding this Site and the Content,Including, but not limited to, implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, title, and non-infringement,以及由法规产生的任何保证,如履行过程、交易过程或贸易中的使用。

MANITOWOC makes commercially reasonable efforts to ensure that all content on this Site is accurate and reliable, but does not guarantee accuracy or reliability。  MANITOWOC does not guarantee or warrant the quality, integrity, timeliness or availability of this Site or the Content。  MANITOWOC does not warrant or warrant that the Site or Content will be uninterrupted or error-free, that any defects in the Site or Content will be corrected, or that the Site or the servers that make the Site available are free of viruses or other harmful conditions or components。

Without limiting the generality of these terms, we do not guarantee or endorse any third party content。

11.责任限制。  在适用法律允许的最大范围内,MANITOWOC 或其母公司、子公司、关联公司、董事、高管、所有人、雇员、承包商、代表、顾问、代理、供应商、律师、专业顾问或许可方(合称“MANITOWOC 方”)在任何情况下对由本网站或内容引起的或与之相关的任何直接、间接、特殊、附带、惩戒性、惩罚性或间接损失或损害,或您对本网站或内容的访问或使用,或无法访问或使用概不负责,无论诉讼形式如何,Whether the claim is based on contract, tort (including negligence), strict liability, warranty or otherwise,Even if MANITOWOC has been expressly aware of the possibility of loss or damage。

Your sole and exclusive remedy is to discontinue access to and use of the Site, the Content and your account。

在不限制上述条款的情况下,MANITOWOC is concerned by or in connection with this website or content,或您对本网站或内容的访问或使用,Or the cumulative liability arising from the inability to access or use shall in no case exceed $100,即使提供的任何补救措施未能达到其根本目的。

Some jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion or limitation of certain damages, so some of the above exclusions and limitations may not apply to you。

12.赔偿。  You shall indemnify, protect, and hold MANITOWOC harmless from (A) your violation of applicable law and (B) your misuse of the Site, any Content, or your account,And (C) all losses, claims, liabilities, demands, complaints, actions, damages, judgments, settlements, fines, penalties, expenses and costs (including, without limitation, reasonable attorneys' fees) arising out of or in connection with your breach of these Terms or any other terms of this Site。  We reserve and you grant us the exclusive right to defend and control any matter that requires your compensation (subject to your ongoing liability)。 

13.第三方网站和内容。  This website may link to or be linked to websites that are not maintained or controlled by Manitowoc。  提供这些链接是为了方便我们网站的访问者。  Manitowoc is not responsible for reviewing or evaluating the content or accuracy of third party websites linked through this site。  Manitowoc does not guarantee or endorse any third party websites or any products or services offered through such websites。  After leaving the Site, your use of third party sites (and the use of such third parties or your personal information) is governed by that third party's terms and privacy policy, not these Terms。

本网站还包含某些第三方内容。  我们提供第三方内容是为了您的方便,而不是作为背书。  The existence of third party content does not mean that Manitowoc has reviewed the third party content or that there is any association between Manitowoc and any third party。  您访问第三方内容的风险由您自行承担。  Manitowoc 对任何第三方内容概不负责。  Nothing in these Terms grants you any right to any third party content。

14.链接到本网站。  Links to this Website from your website or elsewhere are prohibited without the prior express written consent of Manitowoc。  If Manitowoc grants you the right to link to this Site, certain terms may apply, and Manitowoc reserves the right to revoke such consent at any time。  You shall bear any costs incurred by Manitowoc in exercising its rights under this Section。

15.终止。 If you violate applicable law or these Terms, you will be immediately barred from further use of the Site, the content, or your account, and we may restrict your access to the Site, the content, or your account。  Manitowoc may, in its sole discretion, suspend or discontinue this Site, any Content, or your account, in whole or in part, at any time for any reason。  For any damages arising from or in connection with our suspension or termination of your access to the Site, your account or the Content,Or if Manitowoc modifies, discontinues, or restricts the availability of the Site, your account, or the Content (in whole or in part),Manitowoc 对您或任何其他人不承担任何责任。

16.网站不可用。 This website, your account and the content may be unavailable or restricted for various reasons,并且我们对任何此类不可用不承担任何责任,Including but not limited to (a) hardware, software, server, network or telecommunications failures;(b) bad weather, wars, riots, acts of God, fires, earthquakes, epidemics, strikes, Labour shortages, etc.;(c) Regulatory restrictions and other governmental actions;(d) Disruptions caused by public utilities and power companies,以及 (e) 黑客攻击或其他恶意入侵造成的中断。

17.遵守法律。  With respect to your access to and use of the Site, you are responsible for compliance with all applicable laws, regulations and rules in all relevant jurisdictions, including all applicable rules regarding online conduct。

18.病毒。  You must use commercially standard up-to-date antivirus software on any computer or device that you use to access this website。  We are not responsible for any viruses you may receive from our site or links on the Site, and your access to our site is at your own risk。

19.与执法部门合作。  If you are suspected of violating applicable law when using this Site or content, Manitowoc will cooperate with law enforcement。  You hold MANITOWOC and MANITOWOC harmless from damages arising from your alleged cooperation with or disclosure of your information to law enforcement in violation of applicable law。

20.儿童的信息。 本网站不适合未满十三 (13) 岁的儿童。  If you are under the age of thirteen (13), you must immediately discontinue use of the Site。

21.争议。  These Terms and your access to and use of the Site, your account and content are governed by the laws of the State of Wisconsin without regard to its conflict of laws principles。  Venue is limited to the state court or federal court in Milwaukee County, Wisconsin (if applicable)。  各方明确同意这些法院的专属管辖权。  Any lawsuit or other claim you have with respect to the Site, your account, or the Content must begin within one year of the cause of action or action。

22.在美国境内使用。 本网站仅适用于美国境内。  我们不保证在美国以外的任何地方能够或允许使用本网站。  If you choose to access this site from another location outside the United States, you do so at your own risk。  The existence of this Website or any content shall not be construed as MANITOWOC or MANITOWOC providing this Website or Content to persons in jurisdictions where the provision of such websites or content is prohibited by law。

23.转让。 We may assign our rights under these Terms to any party or delegate our responsibilities under these Terms to any party at any time without notice to you。  You may not assign your rights or delegate your responsibilities under these Terms without our prior written consent。  本条款符合 Manitowoc的继承人和受让人的利益。

24.完整协议。  These Terms and any terms posted on the Site (if any) represent the entire agreement between you and Manitowoc with respect to your access to and use of the Site。

25.弃权。  Manitowoc's failure to enforce any provision of these Terms shall not constitute a waiver of that provision or any other provision。  Any waiver of any provision of these Terms shall be effective only in writing and signed by Manitowoc。

26.可分割性。 If any provision of these Terms is held to be invalid, void or unenforceable, that provision will be severed from the remaining provisions, which will remain in full force and effect。  本条款中的标题仅为方便而设,不影响对本条款的解释。

27.电子通信。  To the extent permitted by law, these Terms and any other documents, agreements, notices or communications between you and Manitowoc may be provided to you electronically。  Please print or otherwise save copies of all documents, agreements, notices, and other communications for your reference。

28.沙巴体育最新版。  请将关于本条款的任何问题和疑虑寄送至:

The Manitowoc Company, Inc.
One Park Plaza
11270 West Park Place
Suite 1000
Milwaukee, WI 53224
电话:(1) 414 760 4600